Digital Operator3- 3Note Except in diagrams, Keys are referred to using the Key names listed in the above table.There are indicators on the upper left of the RUN and STOP Keys on the Digital Operator. These indicatorswill light and flash to indicate operating status.The RUN Key indicator will flash and the STOP Key indicator will light during initial excitation of thedynamic brake. The relationship between the indicators on the RUN and STOP Keys and the Inverter status isshown in the Fig 3.2.Fig 3.2 RUN and STOP IndicatorsJOG Key Enables jog operation when the Inverter is being operated from theDigital Operator.FWD/REV Key Selects the rotation direction of the motor when the Inverter is beingoperated from the Digital Operator.Shift/RESET Key Sets the number of digits for user constant settings.Also acts as the Reset Key when a fault has occurred.Increment KeySelects menu items, sets user constant numbers, and increments setvalues.Used to move to the next item or data.Decrement KeySelects menu items, sets user constant numbers, and decrements setvalues.Used to move to the previous item or data.DATA/ENTER Key Pressed to enter menu items, user constants, and set values.Also used to switch from one screen to another.RUN Key Starts the Inverter operation when the Inverter is being controlled bythe Digital Operator.STOP KeyStops Inverter operation.This Key can be enabled or disabled when operating from the controlcircuit terminal by setting user constant o2-02.Table 3.1 Key Functions (Continued)Key Name FunctionInverter output frequencyFrequency settingSTOP STOPRUNRUNSTOPLit Blinking Not lit