5 -28Jump Frequencies: d3User constants for jump frequencies are shown in the following table.* 1. When C6-01 = 1, the upper limit is 150.0.* 2. When C6-01 = 0, the upper limit is 400.0.Reference Frequency Hold: d4User constants for the reference frequency hold function are shown in the following table.Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tord3-01 Jump fre-quency 1Set the center values of thejump frequencies in Hz.This function is disabled bysetting the jump frequency to0 Hz. Always ensure that thefollowing applies:d3-01 ≥ d3-02 ≥ d3-03Operation in the jump fre-quency range is prohibitedbut during acceleration anddeceleration, speed changessmoothly without jump.0.0 to400.0*10.0 Hz No A A A A 294H 4-206-38d3-02 Jump fre-quency 2 0.0 Hz No A A A A 295H 4-206-380.0 to300.0*2d3-03 Jump fre-quency 3 0.0 Hz No A A A A 296H 4-206-38d3-04Jump fre-quencywidthSets the jump frequencybandwidth in Hz.The jump frequency will bethe jump frequency ± d3-04.0.0 to20.0 1.0 Hz No A A A A 297H 4-206-38Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tord4-01Frequencyreferencehold func-tion selec-tionSets whether or not frequen-cies on hold will berecorded.0: Disabled (when operationis stopped or the power isturned on again starts at0.)1: Enabled (when operationis stopped or the power isturned on again starts atthe previous holdfrequency.)This function is availablewhen the multi-functioninputs “accel/decel RampHold” or “up/down” com-mands are set.0 or 1 0 No A A A A 298H 6-80