6 -122* 1. These are values for a 200 V Class Inverter. Values for a 400 V Class Inverter are double.* 2. The factory setting will change when the control method is changed. The V/f control factory settings are given.* 3. E1-11 and E1-12 are disregarded when set to 0.0.* 4. E1-13 is set to the same value as E1-05 by autotuning.* 5. When C6-01=1, the upper limit is 400.0.* 6. When C6-01=0, the upper limit is 150.0.Setting Inverter Input VoltageSet the Inverter input voltage correctly in E1-01 to match the power supply voltage. This set value will be thestandard value for the protection function and similar functions.E1-04 Max. outputfrequencyTo set V/f characteristics in astraight line, set the same values forE1-07 and E1-09. In this case, thesetting for E1-08 will be disre-garded.Always ensure that the four frequen-cies are set in the following manner:E1-04 (FMAX) ≥ E1-06 (FA) > E1-07 (FB) ≥ E1-09 (FMIN)40.0 to400.0*6 60.0 Hz*2 No Q Q Q Q 303H40.0 to300.0*5E1-05 Max.voltage0.0 to255.0*1200.0V*1*2No Q Q Q Q 304HE1-06 Basefrequency0.0 to400.0*6 60.0 Hz*2 No Q Q Q Q 305H0.0 to300.0*5E1-07 Mid. outputfrequency0.0 to400.0*6 3.0 Hz*2 No A A A No 306H0.0 to300.0*5E1-08Mid. outputfrequencyvoltage0.0 to255 *115.0 V*1 *2 No A A A No 307HE1-09 Min. outputfrequency0.0 to400.0*6 1.5 Hz*2 No Q Q Q A 308H0.0 to300.0*5E1-10Min. outputfrequencyvoltage0.0 to255.0*19.0 V*1 *2 No A A A No 309HE1-11 Mid. outputfrequency 2Set only to fine-adjust V/f for theoutput range. Normally, this settingis not required.0.0 to400.0*6 0.0 Hz*3 No A A A A 30AH0.0 to300.0*5E1-12Mid. outputfrequencyvoltage 20.0 to255.0*10.0 V*3 No A A A A 30BHE1-13 Basevoltage0.0 to255.0*10.0 V*4 No A A Q Q 30CHCon-stantNum-berName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-torOutput voltage (V)Frequency (Hz)