6 -46Related Constants* The factory setting will change when the control method is changed. The V/f control factory setting is given.Adjusting Torque Compensation GainNormally, there is no need to make this adjustment. Do not adjust the torque compensation gain when usingopen-loop vector control.Adjust the torque compensation gain using V/f control in the following circumstances.• If the cable is very long, increase the set value.• If the (maximum applicable) motor capacity is smaller than the Inverter capacity, increase the set value.• If the motor is vibrating, reduce the set value.Adjust this constant so that the output current during low-speed rotation does not exceed the Inverter ratedoutput current range.Adjusting the Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time ConstantSet the torque compensation function primary delay in ms.You can switch the factory settings as follows by changing the control method settings:• V/f control: 200 ms• V/f control with PG: 200 ms• Open-loop vector control: 20 msCon-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-torC4-01Torque com-pensationgainSets torque compensation gainas a ratio.Usually setting is not necessary.Adjust in the following circum-stances:• When the cable is long;increase the set value.• When the motor capacity issmaller than the Invertercapacity (Max. applicablemotor capacity), increase theset values.• When the motor is oscillating,decrease the set values.Adjust the output current rangeat minimum speed rotation sothat it does not exceed theInverter rated output current.Do not alter the torque compen-sation gain from its default(1.00) when using the open loopvector control method.0.00 to2.50 1.00 Yes A A A No 215HC4-02Torque com-pensation pri-mary delaytime constantThe torque compensation delaytime is set in ms units.Usually setting is not necessary.Adjust in the following circum-stances:• When the motor is oscillating,increase the set values.• When the responsiveness ofthe motor is low, decrease theset values.0 to10000200 ms* No A A A No 216H