User Constants10- 3510* 1. Not initialized. (Japanese standard specifications: A1-01 = 1, A1-02 = 2)* 2. The factory setting will change when the control method is changed. The V/f control factory settings are given.* 3. The factory setting is 1.0 when using flux vector control.* 4. The factory setting is 2.00 s when Inverter capacity is 55 kW min.The factory setting will change if the control method is changed. The open-loop vector factory setting is given.* 5. By setting E2-11 (Motor rated output) the appropriate value will be set.* 6. The factory setting depends on the Inverter capacity. The values for a 200 V Class Inverter for 0.4 kW are given.L6-04 Torque detection selection 2 0 N5-03 Feed forward proportional gain 1.0L6-05 Torque detection level 2 150 N5-04 Response frequency for speedcommand 40.00L6-06 Torque detection time 2 0.1 o1-01 Monitor selection 6L7-01 Forward drive torque limit 200 o1-02 Monitor selection after power up 1L7-02 Reverse drive torque limit 200 o1-03 Frequency units of reference set-ting and monitor 0L7-03 Forward regenerative torque limit 200 o1-04 Setting unit for frequency con-stants related to V/f characteristics 0L7-04 Reverse regenerative torque limit 200 o1-05 LCD brightness adjustment 3L7-06 Integral time setting for torquelimit 200 o2-01 LOCAL/REMOTE key enable/dis-able 1L7-07Control method selection fortorque limit during accelerationand deceleration0 o2-02 STOP key during control circuitterminal operation 1L8-01 Protect selection for internal DBresistor (Type ERF) 0 o2-03 User constant initial value 0L8-02 Overheat pre-alarm level 95*6 o2-04 kVA selection 0 *6L8-03 Operation selection after overheatpre-alarm 3 o2-05 Frequency reference settingmethod selection 0L8-05 Input open-phase protection selec-tion 0 o2-06 Operation selection when digitaloperator is disconnected 0L8-07 Output open-phase protectionselection 0 o2-07 Cumulative operation time setting 0L8-09 Ground protection selection 1 o2-08 Cumulative operation time selec-tion 0L8-10 Cooling fan control selection 0 o2-10 Fan operation time setting 0L8-11 Cooling fan control delay time 60 o2-12 Fault trace/fault history clear func-tion 0L8-12 Ambient temperature 45 o2-14 Output power monitor clear selec-tion 0L8-15 OL2 characteristics selection atlow speeds 1 o3-01 Copy function selection 0L8-18 Soft CLA selection 1*2 o3-02 Read permitted selection 0N1-01 Hunting-prevention function selec-tion 1 T1-00 Motor 1/2 selection 1N1-02 Hunting-prevention gain 1.00 T1-01 Autotuning mode selection 2 *2N2-01 Speed feedback detection control(AFR) gain 1.00 T1-02 Motor output power 0.40*6N2-02 Speed feedback detection control(AFR) time constant 50 T1-03 Motor rated voltage 200.0*9N2-03 Speed feedback detection control(AFR) time constant 2 750 T1-04 Motor rated current 1.90*6N3-01 High-slip braking deceleration fre-quency width 5 T1-05 Motor base frequency 60.0N3-02 High-slip braking current limit 150 T1-06 Number of motor poles 4N3-03 High-slip braking stop dwell time 1.0 T1-07 Motor base speed 1750N3-04 High-slip braking OL time 40 T1-08 Number of PG pulses when turn-ing 600N5-01 Feed forward control selection 0 T1-09 Motor no-load current 1.20*6N5-02 Motor acceleration time 0.178*6Table 10.7 User Constants (Continued)No. NameFac-torySettingSet-ting No. NameFac-torySettingSet-ting