2 -18When using an MC to switch to a commercial power supply, stop the Inverter and motor before operating theMC. Use the speed search function if the MC is operated during operation. If measures for momentary powerinterrupts are required, use a delayed release MC.Installing a Thermal Overload RelayThis Inverter has an electronic thermal protection function to protect the motor from overheating. If, however,more than one motor is operated with one Inverter or a multi-polar motor is used, always install a thermalrelay (THR) between the Inverter and the motor and set L1-01 to 0 (no motor protection). The sequenceshould be designed so that the contacts of the thermal overload relay turn OFF the magnetic contactor on themain circuit inputs.Installing a Noise Filter on Output SideConnect a noise filter to the output side of the Inverter to reduce radio noise and inductive noise.Fig 2.9 Installing a Noise Filter on the Output SideCountermeasures Against Inductive NoiseAs described previously, a noise filter can be used to prevent inductive noise from being generated on the out-put side. Alternatively, cables can be routed through a grounded metal pipe to prevent inductive noise. Keep-ing the metal pipe at least 30 cm away from the signal line considerably reduces inductive noise.Fig 2.10 Countermeasures Against Inductive NoiseInductive Noise: Electromagnetic induction generates noise on the signal line, causing the controller to malfunction.Radio Noise: Electromagnetic waves from the Inverter and cables cause the broadcasting radio receiver to makenoise.IMInverter NoisefilterMCCBPowersupplyRadio noiseAM radioInductivenoiseControllerSignal lineControllerSignal lineIMInverterMCCBPowersupply30 cm min.Metal pipe