Continuing Operation6- 69* 1. The factory setting will change when the control method is changed. The V/f control factory settings are given.* 2. The factory settings depend upon the Inverter capacity. The values for a 200 V Class Inverter of 0.4 kW are given.* 3. When C6-01=1, the upper limit is 120 %.Multi-function Contact Inputs (H1-01 to H1-06)b3-14Rotationdirectionsearch selec-tion0: Disabled (operates withspecified rotation direction)1: Enabled (operates with rota-tion direction found bysearch)0 or 1 1 No A A A No 19EHb3-17Speed searchretrial cur-rent levelSets the current level to retry aspeed search as a percentage,taking the Inverter rated currentas 100%.0 to 200 150%* 3 No A No A No 1F0Hb3-18Speed searchretrial detec-tion timeSets the time for detection in aspeed search retrial in units ofseconds.0.00 to1.00 0.01 s No A No A No 1F1Hb3-19Number ofspeed searchretrialsSets the number of times that aspeed search can be retried. 0 to 10 0 No A No A No 1F2HL2-03 Min. base-block timeSets the Inverter's minimumbaseblock time in units of onesecond, when the Inverter isrestarted after power loss ride-through.Sets the time to approximately0.7 times the motor secondarycircuit time constant.When an overcurrent or over-voltage occurs when starting aspeed search or DC injectionbraking, increase the set values.0.1 to5.00.2 s*2 No A A A A 487HL2-04 Voltagerecovery timeSets the time required to returnthe Inverter output voltage tonormal voltage at the comple-tion of a speed search, in units ofone second.Sets the time required to recoverfrom 0 V to the maximum volt-age.0.0 to5.00.3 s*2 No A A A A 488HSet-tingValueFunctionControl MethodsV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tor61External search command 1OFF: Speed search disabled (Start from lowest output frequency)ON: Speed estimation (Estimate the motor speed, and start search from estimated speed)Current detection (Start speed search from maximum output frequency)Yes No Yes No62External search command 2OFF: Speed search disabled (Start from lowest output frequency)ON: Speed estimation (Estimate the motor speed, and start search from estimated speed) (Sameoperation as external search command 1)Current detection: Start speed search from set frequency (reference frequency when searchcommand was input).Yes No Yes NoCon-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tor