User Constant Tables5- 19* 1. The factory setting is 1.0 when using flux vector control.* 2. The factory setting is 2.00 s when Inverter capacity is 55 kW min.The factory setting will change when the control method is changed. The open-loop vector factory setting is given.* 3. By setting E2-11 (Motor rated output) the appropriate value will be set.* 4. The factory setting depends on the Inverter capacity. The value for a 200 V Class Inverter of 0.4 kW is given.Zero-Servo: b9User constants for zero-servo functions are shown in the following table.b8-06Searchoperationvoltage lim-iterSet the limit value of thevoltage control range duringsearch operation.Perform search operation tooptimize operations usingminute variations in voltageusing energy-saving control.Set to 0 to disable the searchoperation. 100% is the motorbase voltage.0 to100 0% No A A No No 1D1H 6-117Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-torb9-01 Zero-servogainAdjust the strength of thezero-servo lock.Enabled when the “zero-servo command” is set forthe multi-function input.When the zero-servo com-mand has been input and thefrequency reference dropbelow excitation level (b2-01), a position control loopis created and the motorstops. Increasing the zero-servo gain in turn increasesthe strength of the lock.Increasing it by too muchwill cause oscillation.0 to100 5 No No No No A 1DAH 6-144b9-02Zero-servocompletionwidthSets the output width of thezero-servo completion sig-nal.Enabled when the “zero-servo completion (end)” isset for a multi-functioninput. The zero-servo com-pletion signal is ON whenthe current position is withinthe range (the zero-servostart position± zero-servocompletion width.)Set the allowable positiondisplacement from the zero-servo start position to 4times the pulse rate of thePG (pulse generator,encoder) in use.0 to16383 10 No No No No A 1DBH 6-144Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tor