5 -16b5-06 PID limitSets the limit after PID-con-trol as a percentage of themaximum output frequency.0.0 to100.0 100.0% Yes A A A A 1AAH 6-109b5-07 PID offsetadjustmentSets the offset after PID-con-trol as a percentage of themaximum output frequency.-100.0to+100.00.0% Yes A A A A 1ABH 6-109b5-08PID primarydelay timeconstantSets the time constant forlow pass filter for PID-con-trol outputs in 1-secondunits.Not usually necessary to set.0.00 to10.00 0.00 s Yes A A A A 1ACH 6-109b5-09PID outputcharacteris-tics selec-tionSelect forward/reverse forPID output.0: PID output is forward.1: PID output is reverse(highlights the outputcode)0 or 1 0 No A A A A 1ADH 6-109b5-10 PID outputgain Sets output gain. 0.0 to25.0 1.0 No A A A A 1AEH 6-109b5-11PID reverseoutputselection0: 0 limit when PID outputis negative.1: Reverses when PIDoutput is negative.0 limit when reverse prohibitis selected using b1-04.0 or 1 0 No A A A A 1AFH 6-109b5-12Selection ofPID feed-back com-mand lossdetection0: No detection of loss ofPID feedback.1: Detection of loss of PIDfeedback.Operation continuesduring detection, with themalfunctioning contactnot operating.2: Detection of loss of PIDfeedback.Coasts to stop duringdetection, and faultcontact operates.0 to 2 0 No A A A A 1B0H 6-110b5-13PID feed-back com-mand lossdetectionlevelSets the PID feedback lossdetection level as a percentunits, with the maximumoutput frequency at 100%.0 to100 0% No A A A A 1B1H 6-110b5-14PID feed-back com-mand lossdetectiontimeSets the PID feedback lossdetection level in s units.0.0 to25.5 1.0 s No A A A A 1B2H 6-110b5-15PID sleepfunctionoperationlevelSet the PID sleep functionstart level as a frequency.0.0 to400.0*10.0 Hz No A A A A 1B3H 6-1100.0 to300.0*2Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tor