7 -10(blink-ing)Overtorque 2There has been a current greater thanthe setting in L6-05 for longer than thesetting in L6-06.-• Make sure that the current settingin L6-05 and time setting in L6-06are appropriate.• Check the mechanical system andcorrect the cause of the overtorque.(blink-ing)Undertorque 1There has been a current less than thesetting in L6-02 for longer than thesetting in L6-03.-• Make sure that the settings in L6-02 and L6-03 are appropriate.• Check the mechanical system andcorrect the cause of the overtorque.(blink-ing)Undertorque 2There has been a current less than thesetting in L6-05 for longer than thesetting in L6-06.-• Make sure that the current settingin L6-05 and time setting in L6-06are appropriate.• Check the mechanical system andcorrect the cause of the overtorque.(blink-ing)OverspeedThe speed has been greater than thesetting in F1-08 for longer than thesetting in F1-09.Overshooting/undershooting areoccurring. Adjust the gain again.The reference speed is too high. Check the reference circuit and refer-ence gain.The settings in F1-08 and F1-09 aren'tappropriate.Check the settings in F1-08 and F1-09.(blink-ing)The PG is DisconnectedThe Inverter is outputting a frequency,but PG pulses aren't being input.There is a break in the PG wiring. Fix the broken/disconnected wiring.The PG is wired incorrectly. Fix the wiring.Power isn't being supplied to the PG. Supply power to the PG properly.(blink-ing)Excessive Speed DeviationThe speed deviation has been greaterthan the setting in F1-10 for longerthan the setting in F1-11.The load is too large. Reduce the load.The acceleration time and decelera-tion time are too short.Lengthen the acceleration time anddeceleration time.The load is locked. Check the mechanical system.The settings in F1-10 and F1-11 aren'tappropriate.Check the settings in F1-10 and F1-11.(blink-ing)External Fault Detected for Com-munications Board Other Than SI-K2Continuing operation was specifiedfor EF0 (F6-03 = 3)and an externalfault was input from the option board.- Remove the cause of the externalfault.Table 7.2 Alarm Displays and Processing (Continued)Display Meaning Probable causes Corrective Actions