6 -84 Accelerating and Decelerating Constant Frequencies in the Analog Refer-ences (+/- Speed)The +/- speed function increments or decrements the frequency set in analog frequency reference d4-02 (+/-Speed Limit) using two contact signal inputs.To use this function, set One of the constants H1-01 to H1-06 (multi-function contact terminal inputs S3 to S8function selection) to 1C (Trim Control Increase command) and 1D (Trim Control Decrease command). Besure to allocate two terminals so that the Trim Control Increase command and Trim Control Decrease com-mand can be used as a pair.Related ConstantsTrim Control Increase/Decrease Command and Frequency ReferenceThe frequency references using Trim Control Increase/Decrease command ON/OFF operations are shownbelow.Application Precautions• Trim Control Increase/Decrease command is enabled when speed reference > 0 and the speed reference isfrom an analog input.• When the analog frequency reference value - d4-02 < 0, the frequency reference is set to 0.• If only the Trim Control Increase command or Trim Control Decrease command has been set for a multi-function contact input terminal S3 to S8, operation error OPE03 (invalid multi-function input selected)will occur.Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tord4-02 + - SpeedlimitsSet the frequency to be add to orsubtracted from the analog fre-quency reference as a percent,taking the maximum output fre-quency to be 100%.Enabled when the increase (+)speed command or decrease (-)speed command is set for amulti-function input.0 to 100 10% No A A A A 299HFrequency ReferenceSet FrequencyReference+ d4-02Set FrequencyReference- d4-02Set Frequency CommandTrim Control IncreaseCommand Terminal ON OFF ON OFFTrim Control DecreaseCommand Terminal OFF ON ON OFF