5 -18Droop Control: b7User constants for droop functions are shown in the following table.Energy Saving: b8User constants for energy-saving control functions are shown in the following table.Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-torb7-01 Droop con-trol gainSets the slip as a percentageof maximum frequencywhen the maximum outputfrequency is specified andthe rated torque occurs.Droop-control is not per-formed when the setting is0.0.0.0 to100.0 0.0 Yes No No No A 1CAH 4-206-143b7-02Droop con-trol delaytimeDroop control responsive-ness constantWhen hunting or oscillationoccurs, increase the value.0.03 to2.00 0.05 s Yes No No No A 1CBH 4-206-143Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-torb8-01Energy-sav-ing modeselectionSelect whether to enable ordisable energy-saving con-trol.0: Disable1: Enable0 or 1 0 No A A A A 1CCH 6-117b8-02 Energy-sav-ing gainSet the energy-saving gainwith the vector controlmethod.0.0 to10.00.7*1 Yes No No A A 1CDH 6-117b8-03Energy-sav-ing filtertime con-stantSet the energy-saving filtertime constant with the vectorcontrol method.0.00 to10.000.50 s*2 Yes No No A A 1CEH 6-117b8-04Energy-sav-ing coeffi-cientSet the maximum motor effi-ciency value.Set the motor rated capacityin E2-11, and adjust thevalue by 5% at a time untiloutput power reaches a mini-mum value.0.0 to655.00288.20*3*4No A A No No 1CFH 6-117b8-05Powerdetectionfilter timeconstantSet the time constant for out-put power detection.0 to2000 20 ms No A A No No 1D0H 6-117