Varispeed F7 Control Methods10- 310* 1. The variable speed control range. (For continuous operation, the motor's temperature rise must be considered.)* 2. The speed deviation in relation to the maximum speed with a rated load and when the load is stable. (For open-loop vector control, the motor temperature must be25 °C ± 10 °C.)* 3. The speed response guidelines indicating the extent of the motor's actual speed gain in proportion to the speed reference, which changes in a sinusoidal waveform, within a range where motor torque does not become saturated.* 4. A guideline for the motor torque that can be generated when started at a low speed and its output frequency (rotations) at that time.* 5. This function limits the maximum motor torque to protect the machine and the load.* 6. This function directly controls the amount of torque being generated at the motor and its rotation direction, e.g., to control force.* 7. This function controls the amount of motor slip that occurs to prevent mechanical shock, when replacing a torque motor, etc.* 8. This function performs simple positioning control (servo lock), without using an external positioning control device.* 9. This function instantaneously estimates (or detects) the speed and rotation direction of a coasting motor, and quickly starts it without subjecting it to shock.* 10.This function automatically adjusts the voltage applied to the motor to optimize the motor's efficiency with light loads.* 11.This function improves the deceleration time without using a braking resistor by making the motor winding absorb regenerative power. As a standard, this func-tion is effective with a motor running on 160 kW or less with a high-inertia load.* 12.This function enables proportional gain in relation to changes in the speed reference, even for low rigidity (corresponds to the servo's model gain control).Appli-cationFunc-tionsAutotuningLine-to-line resis-tance (Normally notrequired.)Line-to-line resis-tance (Normally notrequired.)Rotational autotun-ing, stationary auto-tuning 1, 2, stationaryautotuning for line-to-line resistance onlyRotational autotun-ing, stationary auto-tuning 1, 2,stationary autotuningfor line-to-line resis-tance onlyTorque Limiting*5 No NoYes (except duringacceleration/decelera-tion, below mini-mum frequency, orduring reverse rota-tion)YesTorque Control*6 No No No YesDroop Control*7 No No NoYes (except for0 min−1 and duringreverse rotation)Zero-servo Control*8 No No No YesSpeed Estimation(Detection) Instanta-neous Speed Search *9Yes (speed and rota-tion direction estima-tion)Yes (speed detectionand rotation directionestimation)Yes (speed and rota-tion direction estima-tion)Yes (speed and rota-tion direction detec-tion)Automatic Energy-saving Control*10 Yes Yes Yes YesHigh-slip Braking*11 Yes Yes No NoFeed Forward Con-trol*12 No No No YesTable 10.1 Overview and Features of Control Methods (Continued)Control Method V/f Control V/f Control with PG Open-loop VectorControl Flux Vector Control