5 -56L1-02Motor pro-tection timeconstantSets the electric thermaldetection time in secondsunits.Usually setting is not neces-sary.The factory setting is 150%overload for one minute.When the motor's overloadresistance is known, also setthe overload resistance pro-tection time for when themotor is hot started.0.1 to5.0 1.0 min No A A A A 481H 6-60L1-03Alarm oper-ation selec-tion duringmotor over-heatingSet Multi-function input ter-minal or A2(H3-09) to E and select theoperation when the inputmotor temperature (ther-mistor) input exceeds thealarm detection level [1.17 V( ± 5%)].0: Decelerate to stop1: Coast to stop2: Emergency stop using thedeceleration time in C1-09.3: Continue operation (H3on the Operator flashes).0 to 3 3 No A A A A 482H 6-63L1-04Motor over-heatingoperationselectionSet Multi-function input ter-minal or A2(H3-09) to E and select theoperation when the motortemperature (thermistor)input exceeds the operationdetection level [2.34V( ± 5%)].0: Decelerate to stop1: Coast to stop2: Emergency stop using thedeceleration time in C1-09.0 to 2 1 No A A A A 483H 6-63L1-05Motor tem-peratureinput filtertime con-stantSet Multi-function input ter-minal or A2(H3-09) to E and set the pri-mary delay time constant formotor temperature (ther-mistor) inputs in seconds.0.00 to10.00 0.20 s No A A A A 484H 6-63Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-torA3 (H3-05)A3 (H3-05)A3 (H3-05)