5 -22Motor Slip Compensation: C3User constants for slip compensation are shown in the following table.* The factory setting will change when the control method is changed. The V/f control factory settings are given.Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-torC3-01Slip com-pensationgainUsed to improve speed accu-racy when operating with aload.Usually setting is not neces-sary.Adjust this constant at thefollowing times.• When actual speed is low,increase the set value.• When actual speed is high,decrease the set value.Used as the applicable con-trol gain when using fluxvector control.0.0 to2.5 0.0* Yes A No A A 20FH 4-186-43C3-02Slip com-pensationprimarydelay timeSlip compensation primarydelay time is set in ms units.Usually setting is not neces-sary.Adjust this constant at thefollowing times.• Reduce the setting whenslip compensation respon-sive is slow.• When speed is not stabi-lized, increase the setting.0 to100002000ms*No A No A No 210H 4-186-43C3-03Slip com-pensationlimitSets the slip compensationlimit as a percentage ofmotor rated slip.0 to250 200% No A No A No 211H 6-43C3-04Slip com-pensationselectionduringregeneration0: Disabled.1: Enabled.When the slip compensationduring regeneration functionhas been activated, as regen-eration capacity increasesmomentarily, it may be nec-essary to use a brakingoption (braking resistor,Braking Resistor Unit orBraking Unit.)0 or 1 0 No A No A No 212H 6-43C3-05Output volt-age limitoperationselection0: Disabled.1: Enabled. (The motor fluxwill be lowered automati-cally when the outputvoltage become satu-rated.)0 or 1 0 No No No A A 213H 6-43