User Constant Tables5- 31Field Weakening: d6User constants for the field weakening command are shown in the following table.* 1. When C6-01 = 0, the upper limit is 150.0.* 2. When C6-01 = 1, the upper limit is 400.0.Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tord6-01 Field weak-ening levelSet the Inverter output volt-age when the field weaken-ing command is input.It is enabled when the fieldweakening command is setfor a multi-function input.Set the level as a percentagetaking the voltage set in theV/f pattern as 100%.0 to100 80% No A A No No 2A0H -d6-02 FieldfrequencySet the lower limit in hertz ofthe frequency range wherefield control is valid.The field weakening com-mand is valid only at fre-quencies above this settingand only when the speed isin agreement with the cur-rent speed reference.0.0 to400.0*10.0 Hz No A A No No 2A1H -0.0 to300.0*2d6-03Field forc-ing func-tionselectionSet the field forcing func-tion.0: Disabled1: Enabled0 or 1 0 No No No A A 2A2H -d6-06 Field forc-ing limitSet the excitation current ref-erence’s upper limit for fieldforcing. Set the limit as apercentage, taking themotor’s no-load current as100%. Enabled for opera-tion other than DC excita-tion.Usually, there is no need tochange this setting100 to400 400% No No No A A 2A5H -