USER’S GUIDE104 CyberSWITCHb. If you select the IP host operating mode, an abbreviated IP configuration is displayed:Notes: Static ARP entries, isolated mode, static route lookup via RADIUS, and IP address poolcapabilities are not available in IP host operating mode. IP operating mode can not beset to host unless bridging is enabled. The network interface information required willalso be different if the IP host operating mode is configured.IP O PERATING M ODE CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSIP O PERATING M ODEThe IP operating mode may be configured as either router or host. The default is IP router operatingmode.IP O PERATING M ODE B ACKGROUND INFORMATIONThe IP router operating mode provides a broad range of IP routing capabilities, including support forstatic ARP entries, isolated mode, static route lookup, and IP address pool. IP router operatingmode requires each network interface to have a different subnet number assigned to it.The IP host operating mode allows the management of a device using IP applications (such as Telnetand SNMP) while operating as a bridge. IP host mode is useful in situations where segmenting anetwork into subnets is not desirable, but remote management is required. Bridging must beenabled before IP host mode is enabled. Only one IP address is assignable, and this IP address isnot associated with any physical interface. All IP traffic destined for the system is processedinternally, while all other traffic is bridged. With IP host mode, AppleTALK and/or IPX routingmay also be enabled.IP Configuration Menu:1) IP Routing (Enable/Disable)2) IP Operating Mode3) IP Interfaces4) Static Routes5) RIP (Enable/Disable)6) IP Static ARP Table Entries7) Isolated Mode (Enable/Disable)8) Static Route Lookup via RADIUS (Enable/Disable)9) IP Address Pool10) IP Filter Information11) DHCPSelect function from above or for previous menu:IP Configuration Menu:1) IP Routing (Enable/Disable)2) IP Operating Mode.3) IP Interfaces4) Static Routes5) RIP (Enable/Disable)6) IP Filter Information7) DHCPSelect function from above or for previous menu: