USER’S GUIDE222 CyberSWITCHB RIDGE FILTERSCONFIGURING B RIDGE F ILTERSNote: Bridge dial out calls can be initiated through the use of a Known Connect list or throughthe use of bridge filters. For a description of bridge dial out through bridge filters, refer tothe section titled Dial Out Using Bridge Filters.U SING CFGEDIT1. Select Bridge Filters from the Bridging menu.2. Configure any needed protocol definitions. These definitions will be used if you configure anyprotocol filters. To configure a protocol definition:a. Select to add a protocol definition.b. Enter a user-defined name for the protocol definition.c. Enter the Ethernet type in hex.d. Enter the LSAP in hex.3. Configure source MAC filters.a. Select to add a MAC filter.b. Enter the source MAC address.c. Select a distribution list.3. Configure destination MAC filters.a. Select to add a destination MAC filter.b. Enter the destination MAC address.c. Select a distribution list.5. Configure protocol filters.a. Select to add a protocol filter.b. Select a protocol definition Id.c. Select a distribution list.6. Configure packet data filters.a. Select to add a packet data filter.b. Enter the off set value.c. Enter the mask in hex.d. Enter the data value in hex.e. Select a distribution list.U SING M ANAGE M ODE COMMANDSManage Mode can be used to complete all of the bridge filter configuration. This section providesyou with the commands available for each bridge filter type.