USER’S GUIDE170 CyberSWITCHC OMPRESSION C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTSD EVICE C OMPRESSION S TATUSAllows you to enable or disable compression for the individual device. If this option is enabled,then the CyberSWITCH will negotiate compression with this device. Otherwise, the system will notnegotiate compression with this device, leaving the compression resources available for otherdevices. When adding a new device, this option derives its value from the default devicecompression option.Note: Currently applies only to devices which connect using the PPP protocol.S TARTING PPP STAC- LZS S EQUENCE N UMBERWhen using the PPP compression with the STAC-LZS protocol, certain devices may not adhere tothe protocol specification’s requirement that sequence numbers begin with 1, resulting in aresynchronization sequence on the first frame which is exchanged. When the peer fully supportsthe CCP protocol’s Reset mechanism, this will only result in the minor inconvenience of a lost frameat the beginning of a session. However, if such a device’s resynchronization mechanism is tocompletely renegotiate CCP (as has been witnessed in testing with some vendors’ devices), thissequence will repeat infinitely.This option provides a way to override the starting sequence number used when connecting tosuch devices. When adding a new device, this option derives its value from the system-wideStarting PPP STAC-LZS Sequence Number, presented previously in the system-wide compressionconfiguration section. In the majority of cases, it will not be necessary to modify this value.As its name implies, this option is only used when the device connects using the PPP protocol.O N -NODE DEVICE D ATABASE BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONThe On-node Device Table is a set of valid devices that can access the network resources connectedto the system. The On-node Device Table contains a symbolic name for the device and a uniqueidentifier that is used to enforce device security. The On-node Device Table is referenced when atleast one device level system security option is enabled.O N - NODE DEVICE D ATABASE S ECURITY R EQUIREMENTSThe following sections provide the On-node Device Table configuration requirements for possiblesecurity option configurations for each category of remote device. Categories are defined by theoperating mode (bridging or routing), and the line protocol in use.Bridging with HDLC Bridge DevicesTo allow a Bridge device to connect to the CyberSWITCH, you must have MAC Layer Bridgingenabled. For each HDLC bridge device using this type of connection, you may need to enter theDevice Name, Calling Line Id, Remote Bridge Ethernet Address, and Password.