USER’S GUIDE240 CyberSWITCHSTATIC R OUTE VIA RADIUS CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSS TATIC R OUTE VIA RADIUS S TATUSYou may enable or disable this option.STATIC R OUTE L OOKUP VIA RADIUS BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONThe Static Routes Lookup via RADIUS option allows you to maintain static routes for devices onthe RADIUS Server. When there are multiple CyberSWITCHes at one site, the IP static routesinformation needs to be duplicated on all systems. The Static Route Lookup via RADIUS featureallows you to maintain all of the IP static routes information for multiple systems on the RADIUSserver by enabling this feature. The systems will download necessary static routes informationfrom the server when needed.Refer to this guide’s RADIUS configuration information. The RADIUS Authentication Server User’sGuide (an electronic document) also provides information on the RADIUS Authentication Server.Refer to Configuring the RADIUS Server for instructions on obtaining this document.IP A DDRESS POOLCONFIGURING AN IP ADDRESS POOLU SING CFGEDIT1. Select IP Address Pool from the IP menu.2. Select to add an IP address.3. If you are adding a single IP address:a. Enter the IP address.b. When prompted to enter the ending IP address press .4. If you are adding a range of IP addresses:a. Enter the first IP address in the range.b. Enter the ending IP address in the range.Note: A range of IP addresses can cover the associated interface IP address; however, thisinterface address will not be added to the IP address pool.5. To delete a single IP address contained in a configured range:a. Select to delete an IP address.b. Select the Id of the range you want to delete the address from.c. Select to delete a single IP address contained in the range.d. Enter the IP address you would like to delete from the range.IP ADDRESS POOL CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSIP A DDRESSThis can be a single IP address, or a range of IP addresses that can be dynamically assigned toremote IP devices as they connect to the system.