USER’S GUIDE556 CyberSWITCHsession information for a TFTP session that has terminated. The screen below illustrates the useof this command.tftp statsDisplays the current TFTP related statistics. Refer to TFTP Statistics, for a list of availablestatistics and their definitions.T RACE C OMMANDSNote: For an explanation regarding the output resulting from the family of trace commands, referto the Trace Messages chapter.The following commands are used to enable and disable trace reporting information:trace ipxwan [on/off]Enables or disables the IPXWAN tracing option, which tracks all packets which are received orsent out using IPXWAN protocol, and places this information in the system log. To display thelog file, issue thedr command. This option is initially disabled.trace lapb [on/off]Enables or disables the LAPB data link information packet tracing option. This feature displaysup to 15 octets of the packet. To display the log file, issue thedr console command. This optionis initially disabled.trace [on/off]Enable or disables the call trace information reports. If enabled, you can then view the loggedcall trace information by issuing thedr command. For details on call trace messages, refer tothe chapter titled Trace Messages.trace ppp [on/off]Enables or disables the tracing of incoming and outgoing PPP packets. If enabled, you can viewthe trace PPP information by issuing thedr command.> TFTP SESSIONId Sess-Id Local file Type/Mode Bytes Xmit Retries----------------------------------------------------------1 5 temp.txt Client/Put 12752 12 6 tmp Server/Get 423 03 7 text.txt Server/Put 8481 0Select the ID of the TFTP Session to display or to cancel? 2TFTP Session ID: 6Type: ServerMode: GetLocal Address: (UDP Port: 5001)Local File: c:\tmpRemote Address: (UDP Port: 5011)Remote File: N/ATransfer Mode: netasciiBytes Transferred: 935Bytes Remaining: 1145723Total Retries: 0