USER’S GUIDE334 CyberSWITCHPPP CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSM AX TERMINATEThe number of Terminate-Request packets sent without receiving a Terminate-Ack beforeassuming that the peer is unable to respond.M AX CONFIGUREThe number of Configure-Request packets sent without receiving a valid Configure-Ack,Configure-Nak or Configure-Reject before assuming that the peer is unable to respond.M AX FAILUREThe number of Configure-Nak packets sent without sending a Configure-Ack before assuming thatconfiguration is not converging. Any additional Configure-Nak packets are converted toConfigure-Reject packets.R ESTART TIMERTimes transmissions of Configure-Request and Terminate-Request packets. Expiration of theRestart timer causes a Timeout event, and retransmission of the corresponding Configure-Requestor Terminate-Request packet.LCP P ROTOCOL F IELD C OMPRESSION (PFC)Provides a way to negotiate the compression of the Data Link Layer Protocol field.LCP A DDRESS C ONTROL F IELD COMPRESSION (ACFC)Provides a way to negotiate the compression of the data link layer address and control fields.R ECEIVE S ETTINGSThe receive settings for PFC and ACFC control whether (and how) the system receives PPP Packetswith PFC or ACFC. Receive setting options include:• mandatory: requested, repeated indefinitely if NAK'd• preferable: requested, repeated up to MaxAttempts times if NAK'd• supported: not requested, a peer request will be ACK'd• not supported: not requested, NAK'd if the peer requests itSEND SETTINGSThe send settings for PFC and ACFC control whether (and how) the system sends PPP packets withPFC or ACFC. Send setting options include:• mandatory: requested, repeated indefinitely if NAK'd• preferable: requested, repeated up to MaxAttempts times if NAK'd• supported: not requested, a peer request will be ACK'd• not supported: not requested, NAK'd if the peer requests itIPCP ADDRESS NEGOTIATION INITIATIONIPCP address negotiation initiation defines when IPCP will initiate “IP address” IPCP optionnegotiation. The possible choices are:• always initiate: IPCP will always initiate the IP address option negotiation (on a PPP link).• If IP Address Unknown: IPCP will initiate the negotiation only when the peer’s IP address isunknown (for example, the system is running in the no-security mode, or the device entry doesnot have an IP address configured.Note: The default value is “Always Initiate.”