Workgroup Remote Access Switch 409PROBLEM DIAGNOSISSNMPProblem:The CyberSWITCH does not generate SNMP Trap PDUs.Action:1. Enter thesnmp stats command at the administrative console. If an “SNMP is not enabled”message appears, you must first enable the SNMP Agent (using CFGEDIT).2. If the SNMP statistics are displayed, check the value of the “snmpOutTraps” statistic. If thiscounter is zero, the SNMP agent has not generated any Traps. Check your configuration setupand ensure that at least one SNMP Trap Receiver is configured. If the value of the“snmpOutTraps” statistic is non-zero, the SNMP agent is generating Trap PDUs. If a givenNetwork Management Station is not receiving Traps as expected, check your configurationsetup and ensure that the IP address and the Community Name of the Network ManagementStation that is not receiving Traps is configured properly.3. Enterdr at the administrative console to display the current system messages. If one of thefollowing messages appears, the SNMP agent does not have enough memory to generate all ofthe Trap PDUs that need to be generated. If the “snmpOutTraps” counter is not increasingwhile these reports are being logged, there is an unexpected condition present within theCyberSWITCH System software. Contact Customer Support.[SNMP] Unable to obtain an SNMP Trap queue header[SNMP] Unable to obtain an SNMP Trap queue entry bufferProblem:The following message is continuously reported in the system log (enter thedr console commandto display the system log):[SNMP] Authentication failure, unknown community nameAction:The Community Name specified in the request PDUs is not recognized by the SNMP Agent. Tocorrect this problem, use CFGEDIT to add the desired community name or change theconfiguration of your Network Management Station so that it uses a Community Name that isknown to the CyberSWITCH.Problem:The following message is continuously reported in the system log (display the system log byissuing thedr console command):[SNMP] Authentication failure, improper access rightsAction:The Community Name specified in the request PDUs does not have the proper access rights toperform the desired request. Use CFGEDIT to change the MIB access level of the indicatedCommunity Name to the desired access level or change the configuration of your NetworkManagement Station so that it uses a Community Name that has the desired MIB access level.