Workgroup Remote Access Switch 201CONFIGURING A LTERNATE ACCESSESX.25 AccessesP ERMANENT VIRTUAL C IRCUIT INFORMATIONNote: SVCs and PVCs are specified in the X.25 Logical Channel Assignments section of theconfiguration. However, PVCs require additional configuration, which is done in thissection.1. Follow the onscreen instructions to begin the configuration of a virtual circuit.Note: Default values are configured for each PVC when an access is newly created. You are giventhe opportunity to modify the PVC configuration (steps 2 through 7). If you are unsure ofwhat to change, use the default configuration. Note that the packet sizes are limited to 128bytes for D-channel configurations.2. Enter the Logical Channel Number (LCN) that is to be used for this PVC. LCN values areobtained from the PPSN carrier.3. Enter the nonstandard default transmit window size.4. Enter the nonstandard default receive window size.5. Select the nonstandard default transmit packet size.6. Select the nonstandard default receive packet size.7. Select the nonstandard default transmit throughput class.8. Select the nonstandard default receive throughput class.9. After all of the above information has been entered for your PVC, repeat the above steps to addthe rest of your PVCs (up to the maximum number of PVCs)X.25 C ONFIGURATION ELEMENTSX.25 L INE C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTSLINE ID N UMBERFrom the displayed list of available lines, this is the Id Number of the previously defined line thatis to be used for this X.25 connection. A line that is in use by another type of access will not beavailable for use by an X.25 access.X.25 A CCESS N AMEThe user defined name that will be used to identify this X.25 access. This name can consist of 1 to16 non-blank, alpha-numeric characters. The X.25 access name is provided as an aid in helping totrack events occurring on an X.25 access.LOCAL DTE A DDRESSThe X.121 address to be used as the local DTE address. The X.121 address is the public data networkaddress assigned by your X.25 provider. The local DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) in ourapplication refers to the CyberSWITCH.