Workgroup Remote Access Switch 341C ONFIGURING O THER ADVANCED O PTIONSLog Options.2, and so on up to .10. The file extension cycles through the values 1 through 10 with each writecommand, similar to the current report log file and status log file, so that the ten most recentversions of the CDR log are available on the system disk.There are five ISDN CDR events that are logged: connect, disconnect, reject, system up, and verify.For each type of event that is logged, related CDR information is provided.A report always refers to a particular device, the device at the other end of the WAN connection.There is an important distinction between CDR on an interconnect device and CDR on a terminalserver. The remote device for an interconnect device is the device on the other end of the WANconnection, not the human user or the client PC. For example, in the diagram below, it is Bridgethat is the system’s remote device, not Client1 (the machine) or Client2, and not the user, who isusing Client1.A CDR report contains a variety of data items related to an associated CDR event. Some reportsconsist of more than one record.Call Detail Recording EventsThis section describes CDR events for switched ISDN services. There are five ISDN CDR events:connect, disconnect, reject, system up, and verify.A connect event occurs when the system authenticates the remote device of an ISDN connection.The time stamp for the connect event marks the time the ISDN connection was established.A disconnect event occurs when the system disconnects a connected device. The disconnecttimestamp marks the time that the decision to disconnect was made.A reject event occurs when the system disconnects an ISDN connection for which no device wasauthenticated. The reject timestamp marks the time that the decision to disconnect was made.A system up event occurs when the system is loaded. The system up event provides a visibledivider in the log file between two instances of loading the system. Since the connection ID valueis a counter that begins at zero when the system is loaded, it is necessary that the log file contain anindication of when the system is loaded.A verify event is generated by issuing thecdr verify console command. This command verifiesthe configuration of the CDR feature. It causes a message to be sent to all configured CDR logISDNClient 1 Client 2 Bridge ServerRemote DevicePOWER SERVICE TX RX 10BASE - TLAN B-CHANNELS E1 ONLYB2 B4 B6 B8 B26 B28B22 B24B18 B20B14 B16B10 B12 B30 L1B1 B3 B5 B7 B25 B27B21 B23B17 B19B13 B15B9 B11 B29 B31E1D T1DCSX1200