USER’S GUIDE398 CyberSWITCHIP RIP O UTPUT P ROCESSING ON A LAN I NTERFACEProblem:The local IP Host does not display the correct route entry, for example, the IP Host does not seemto be learning route information from the CyberSWITCH via RIP.Action:1. Using theipnetif Manage Mode command, verify that the IP RIP Send Control is set to a RIPversion that the IP Host can understand.If the command shows Do Not Send, the IP RIP output processing is disabled on the interface.Correct the RIP Send Control configuration using CFGEDIT.If the command shows an improper version of RIP, correct the RIP Send Control to the properRIP version that the IP Host can understand.2. Enter theip rip stats administrative console command. Look for theIfStatSentResponses counter for the interface, which shows the number of RIP updatemessages sent on the interface.If the counter is 0, enter theip rip send administrative console command to force the RIPupdate message to be sent immediately.3. Repeat step 2.If the counter is still 0, there is an unexpected condition present within the CyberSWITCHsoftware. Contact Customer Support.4. If the RIP Send Control is set to “RIP Version 1” or “RIP Version 1 Compatibility,” use ManageMode to verify that the transmit broadcast address on the interface is set to a proper addressthat the IP Host can receive (through issuing theipnetif Manage Mode command).If the transmit broadcast address is not set properly, use CFGEDIT to correct it.5. Check the IP Host and ensure that it is set up to learn route information via RIP.IP RIP I NPUT PROCESSING ON A LAN INTERFACEProblem:The CyberSWITCH does not display the correct route entry, for example, the system does not seemto be learning route information via RIP.Action:1. Verify that the IP RIP Receive Control is set to the proper RIP version that the Router is using.Refer to page 398 for instructions regarding check RIP versions.2. Enter theip rip stats administrative console command. Look for the counterIfStatRcvResponses for the interface, which show the number of RIP update messagesreceived on the interface.If the total number of these counters is 0, check the Router to verify that it is configured to sendIP RIP update messages.