USER’S GUIDE296 CyberSWITCHIPX CONFIGURATION ELEMENTS FOR DEVICESIPX R OUTINGIndicates that the remote device is an IPX router and that the system should route IPX datagramsto this device. The system will forward IPX datagrams to this device based on IPX network layerinformation if this parameter is set to enabled. The system will not forward IPX datagrams to thisdevice based on IPX network layer information if this parameter is set to disabled.M AKE C ALLS FOR IPX DATAIndicates whether the CyberSWITCH should establish a WAN connection in order to forward IPXdatagrams to this remote device. If the CyberSWITCH is properly configured for dial out, and if theremote device has IPX routing enabled and this Make Calls option enabled, then the CyberSWITCHwill establish a WAN connection to this remote device in order to forward IPX datagrams.Otherwise, a WAN connection is not established. With triggered RIP/SAP, this field must also beenabled for an active WAN peer type to function properly.IPXWAN PROTOCOLThe IPXWAN protocol option is not yet completely functional. In the future, it will provideinteroperability with Novell products.IPX ROUTING PROTOCOLIndicates the method, if any, the remote device will be using to maintain routes and service tables.N ONESpecifies no RIP and SAP protocols (neither periodic nor triggered). You must configurestatic routes and static services.Use the NONE option when the remote device, such as a single client, does not supportstandard RIP/SAP or triggered RIP/SAP.RIP/SAPSpecifies NetWare Routing Information Protocol (RIP) or NetWare Service AdvertisementProtocol (SAP). IPX RIP/SAP are broadcast protocols; if enabled, RIP/SAP periodicallybroadcast routing/service information across WAN circuits. If enabled, you can configureadditional RIP/SAP options for this entry. If disabled, the CyberSWITCH will not processany NetWare RIP/SAP packets.TRIGGERED RIP/SAPSpecifies a modified version of RIP/SAP in which information is broadcast on the WANonly when there has been an update to the RIP or SAP tables or a change in the reachabilityof a next hop router.WAN P EER T YPEWAN peer type applies to triggered RIP/SAP only. The peer type determines how broadcasts arehandled for a specific device if something in the RIP/SAP table changes:A CTIVEAn active WAN peer receives broadcasts and conveyed information at all times.P ASSIVEA passive WAN peer receives broadcasts and/or conveyed information only when aconnection is up between the router and the WAN peer.Note that you must enable the Make Calls field and define the WAN peer type as active before theCyberSWITCH will dial out to this remote device with triggered RIP/SAP updates.