USER’S GUIDE278 CyberSWITCHIPX R OUTING PROTOCOLSCONFIGURING IPX ROUTING P ROTOCOLSU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Routing Protocols from the IPX menu. The following will be displayed:2. To change the enable/disable status for any of the IPX protocols, simply enter the Id numberassociated with the protocol, and follow the onscreen instructions.3. To adjust the number of entries in the RIP table, press 2. Enter a value between 20 and 3072.4. To adjust the number of entries in the SAP table, press 4. Enter a value between 20 and 3072.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSipxripDisplays the current IPX RIP status as either enabled or disabled.ipxrip [off/on]Allows you to disable/enable IPX RIP.ipxsapDisplays the current IPX SAP status as wither enabled or disabled.ipxsap [off/on]Allows you to disable/enable IPX SAP.IPX ROUTING PROTOCOL CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSIPX RIP P ROCESSING OPTIONSpecifies whether the system should process the NetWare Routing Information Protocol (RIP). Ifthis option is enabled, you can configure additional RIP options for each network interface, orremote device table entry. If this option is disabled, the system will not process any NetWare RIPpackets.IPX SAP P ROCESSING O PTIONSpecifies whether the system should process the NetWare Service Advertisement Protocol (SAP).If this option is enabled, you can configure additional SAP options for each network interface, orremote device table entry. If this option is disabled, the system will not process any NetWare SAPpackets.IPX Routing Protocol Menu:1) IPX RIP Processing is currently ENABLED2) IPX RIP Table maximum is 2821413) IPX SAP Processing is currently ENABLED4) IPX SAP Table maximum number of entries is 282141Select function from above or for previous menu: