USER’S GUIDE174 CyberSWITCHThe following table identifies the configuration requirements for possible security options for IPRouting with PPP Bridge Devices.Note: If CHAP Security is enabled, and Outbound Authentication has not been disabled, a CHAPSecret must be entered for both the remote device and for the CyberSWITCH. Refer toSystem Information regarding the System Secret. If Outbound Authentication has beendisabled, a CHAP Secret is not required for the remote device.OFF- NODE D EVICE D ATABASE L OCATIONCONFIGURING O FF- NODE DEVICE DATABASE LOCATIONU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Off-node Device Database Location from the Device Level Databases menu. If you needguidance to find this menu, refer to the instructions provided in the On-node Device Databaseconfiguration section. The following screen will be displayed:2. Select the location of the off-node device database, or select None in order to use the on-nodedevice database.Security Mode Configuration On-node Device Table Configuration DataCalling Line Id PAP or CHAPSecurityCalling Line Id PAP PasswordorCHAP SecretIP (Sub)NetworkNumberDisabled Enabled Not Requested Required Required ifonly IPRouting isEnabledEnabled Enabled Optional perdevice entryRequired Required ifonly IPRouting isEnabledEnabled Disabled Required Optional Required ifonly IPRouting isEnabledOff-node Device Database Location Menu:1) None (Use On-node)2) VRA Manager3) RADIUSCurrent Off-node Device Database Location is "None (Use On-node)".Select function from above or for previous menu: