SYSTEM VERIFICATIONOVERVIEWAfter your CyberSWITCH has been configured, and before proceeding with normal systemoperation, it is necessary to verify that the system is functional. This chapter provides instructionsfor verifying the system hardware and system configuration.You only need to perform the verification procedures for the options that apply to yourconfiguration. For example, if your configuration does not use SNMP, skip the SNMP verificationsection.To perform the verification procedures, WAN lines must be available and ready to use. LANattachment components must also be available and ready to use.During some of the procedures, we ask you to enter an administration console command. To enterthese commands, you must have an active administration session. If you need instructions forstarting an administration session, refer to Accessing the CyberSWITCH.Note: At least one remote device is required to proceed with many of the verification procedures.V ERIFYING H ARDWARE R ESOURCES ARE O PERATIONALTo verify the operation of the WAN and LAN hardware resources:1. At the system prompt, enter thedr command to display current system messages. At theadministration console type:dr 2. If you have enabled bridging, look for these LAN adapter initialization messages among thesystem messages:LAN Port #> is now in the LISTENING stateLAN Port #> is now in the LEARNING stateLAN Port #> is now in the FORWARDING state3. If you have enabled IP routing, look for this LAN adapter initialization message among thesystem messages:[IP] IP router is initialized successfullyNote: Other messages may also be displayed with the LAN adapter initialization messages.If these LAN adapter initialization messages are displayed, then the LAN adapter is operational.Proceed to the next section.If these LAN adapter initialization messages are NOT displayed, refer to LAN Adapter in theProblem Diagnosis chapter. PreviousNext |