Workgroup Remote Access Switch 275CONFIGURING IPXIPX Network InterfacesIPX NETWORK I NTERFACE CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSG ENERAL IPX NETWORK INTERFACE C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTSI NTERFACE T YPEWhen configuring an IPX Network interface, this parameter specifies the type of network segmentto which the network interface connects. The network Interface type of LAN indicates that thesystem is physically connected to an Ethernet LAN segment. The WAN (Remote LAN) interfaceallows the system to connect to remote bridge devices. The traditional WAN interface allows thesystem to connect to other routers.In a system using all three interfaces, both the LAN and Remote LAN interfaces must beconfigured. However, traditional WAN network interfaces do not explicitly need to be configured.These interfaces are dynamically assigned by the system when a WAN connection is established toanother IPX router.IPX N ETWORK NUMBERSUnique, user-assigned numbers (internal or external) associated with the network. Theseparameters are hexadecimal values from 1 to 4 bytes in length, and may range from 1 to ffff. (“0” isinvalid.) An IPX internal network number corresponds to the number assigned to a network serveror router. An IPX external network number corresponds to a physical network or cable segment (i.e,such as a LAN), which may include multiple servers. Unlike the internal network number, allservers/routers connected to the same network must be assigned the same external networknumber in order to communicate.MAXIMUM TRANSMISSION UNIT (MTU)Specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted on the network interface. Somedevices on the network may not be able to receive large data packets. This parameter allows you tomaintain compatibility with these devices by setting the MTU to agree with that supported by thedevice. This parameter is a decimal value from 60 to 1500, depending on the type of datagramencapsulation selected.ENCAPSULATION TYPESpecifies the IPX datagram encapsulation type used by this network interface. NetWare supports 4types of encapsulation: Novell ETHERNET_SNAP, Novell Ethernet 802.3, Novell ETHERNET_II,Novell Ethernet 802.2. The Ethernet 802.3 type is the default type for NetWare v2.x and v3.x. TheEthernet 802.2 type is the default type for NetWare v4.x. Choose the appropriate encapsulationtype for this network segment.LAN PORT NUMBERFor LAN type network interfaces, this parameter specifies the port number on the Ethernet adapterto which the network interface is physically connected. This parameter is a decimal value from 1 to2, depending on the system hardware. Note: this parameter is not used for Remote LAN interfaces.RIP IPX N ETWORK I NTERFACE CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSSEND CONTROLSpecifies how the CyberSWITCH will send RIP information on this network interface. If thisparameter is set to send, the system will transmit IPX RIP packets on this network interface. If thisparameter is set to do not send, the system will not transmit any IPX RIP packets on this networkinterface.