Workgroup Remote Access Switch 301C ONFIGURING SNMPSNMP Background InformationIP A DDRESSThe IP address assigned to the management station that should receive Trap PDUs.COMMUNITY N AMEA list of configured Community Names will be displayed. Select the Community Name that shouldbe inserted in the Trap PDUs to be sent to the NMS with the corresponding IP address.A UTHENTICATION F AILURE T RAPS STATUSYou may enable or disable the generation of SNMP Authentication Failure Traps. ThesnmpEnableAuthenTraps object of the MIB-2 SNMP group will be initialized to the enabled statusthat is configured here.ISDN B-C HANNEL USAGE TRAPS S TATUSYou may enable or disable the generation of ISDN B-Channel Usage Traps. You can use thesegenerated traps to monitor the system’s ISDN B-channel usage. There are two distinct ISDN B-Channel Usage Traps. The isdnUsageHigh trap is generated when the configured B-channelthreshold (refer to the threshold parameter described below) is met or exceeded. TheisdnUsageNormal trap is generated when the number of B-channels in use drops back below theconfigured threshold value.In addition, theisdn usage console command will display B-channel information to aid inmonitoring the B-channel usage. Refer to the System Commands chapter’s ISDN Usage RelatedCommands section for information regarding this command. The generated B-Channel Usage Trapsand information displayed by theisdn usage console command can help you to determine ifadditional lines and/or systems are necessary.ISDN B-CHANNEL USAGE TRAP THRESHOLDThis configured value is used to trigger the ISDN B-Channel Usage Traps. The threshold value is anumber between 1 and the total number of available B-channels.SYSCONTACTThe textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with informationon how to contact this person. sysContact is a string of 1 to 80 characters.SYSNAMEThe assigned name for this managed node. sysName is a string of 1 to 80 characters.SYSLOCATIONThe physical location of this node (for example: telephone closet, third floor). sysLocation is a stringof 1 to 80 characters.SNMP B ACKGROUND INFORMATIONThe SNMP Agent allows the system to be monitored from a local and/or a remote NetworkManagement Station (NMS) via the Simple Network Management Protocol. The User DatagramProtocol (UDP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) are used by the SNMP Agent to provide the transportdatagram service needed to exchange SNMP messages. Thus only those systems that have enabledthe IP routing operating mode can make use of SNMP.