USER’S GUIDE300 CyberSWITCHU SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSCurrently you cannot configure SNMP using the Manage Mode, but the following command isavailable:snmpThis Manage Mode command displays the current SNMP configuration data. An exampleoutput screen is shown below:SNMP C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTSSNMP S TATUSYou may enable or disable the SNMP feature.COMMUNITY N AMEA 1 to 20 character case-sensitive string that specifies a Community Name that will be accepted bythe SNMP Agent if it is specified in an incoming Request PDU.MIB A CCESS L EVELThe MIB Access Level associated with a Community Name must be selected from the supplied list.It dictates the level of access available to the associated Community Name. The following is a chartof the three possible access levels and their access privileges.MANAGE> SNMPThe SNMP feature is enabled.Current SNMP COMMUNITY NAME Configuration:id MIB ACCESS LEVEL COMMUNITY NAME--- -------------------------------------------1 MIB_ADMIN public2 MIB_USER user3 MIB_ADMIN testCurrent SNMP TRAP RECEIVER List Configuration:id IP ADDRESS COMMUNITY NAME----------------------------------------------1 public2 public3 testThe generation of Authentication Failure Traps is disabled.The generation of ISDN B-Channel Usage Traps is enabled.The ISDN B-Channel Usage Trap threshold is 5 B-Channels.Access Level Access PrivilegesMIB GUEST get (read) MIB-2 system group onlyMIB USER get (read) all MIB-2 and Enterprise MIB objectsMIB ADMIN get (read) all MIB objects and set (write) all MIB objectsthat are writable