USER’S GUIDE562 CyberSWITCHA PPLE T ALK S TATISTICSYou may display AppleTalk protocol statistics (subdivided into six subgroups) and AppleTalk portstatistics.You can display all six subgroups of the AppleTalk protocol statistics by issuing theatalk statscommand, or you can display the individual subgroups by adding an extra variable to theatalkstats command.You can display the AppleTalk port statistics by issuing theatalk port stats consolecommand. A definition of these statistics begin on page 566.APPLE TALK PROTOCOL STATISTICSThe six subgroups of AppleTalk protocol statistics are:• AppleTalk DDP Statistics• AppleTalk AEP Statistics• AppleTalk RTMP Statistics• AppleTalk ZIP Statistics• AppleTalk NBP Statistics• AppleTalk ATP StatisticsWe include a section of available statistics and their definitions for each subgroup.A PPLETALK D ATA D ELIVERY P ROTOCOL (DDP) S TATISTICSYou can display this subgroup of AppleTalk statistics by issuing theatalk stats ddp consolecommand.ddpOutRequestsThe total number of DDP datagrams which were supplied to DDP by local DDP clients in requestsfor transmission. Note that this counter does not include any datagrams counted inddpForwRequests.ddpOutShortsThe total number of short DDP datagrams which were transmitted from this system.ddpOutLongsThe total number of long DDP datagrams which were transmitted from this system.ddpInReceivesThe total number of input datagrams received by DDP, including those received in error.ddpInLocalDatagramsThe total number of input DDP datagrams for which this system was their final DDP destination.ddpNoPrtclHandlersThe total number of DDP datagrams addressed to this system that were addressed to an upperlayer protocol for which no protocol handler existed.