USER’S GUIDE514 CyberSWITCHlogoutTerminates the administration session by logging-out the current administrator. You can startanother session by using one of the two log-in commands outlined above.pswdChanges the password for the current access level (administrator or guest). Your passwordmust be a 3 to 8 nonblank character string. Be careful, passwords are uppercase and lowercasesensitive.S ETTING THE IP ADDRESSThe following administrative command allows you to make changes to the system’s default IPaddress without using the CFGEDIT utility. The system handles this command as if you were inCFGEDIT mode, and saves changes automatically. You must thenrestart your system in orderto have these saved changes take effect. To change the system’s default IP address, issue thefollowing command:ipconfigAllows you to change default IP address information by prompting you for the following:• IP address• number of significant bits in subnet mask• IP address of default gateway (or “0” if none)After responding to the prompts, the system will ask you if you wish to restart the system inorder to put into effect these changes.B OOT D EVICE C OMMANDSSystem software consists of three distinct parts: the boot device, the flash file system, andoperational software. The system boot is accomplished in two stages: the first stage boot (FSB) andthe second stage boot (SSB).When the boot device is executing, there may be occasion to issue commands to affect the bootprocess. However, this situation is highly unusual, and should only be performed under therecommendation of Customer Support personnel. In addition, these commands may be issued onlyusing the local console (RS232) port.Once the FSB has initialized the hardware, it displays a brief inventory of the CyberSWITCH,including version number, serial number, and MAC Ethernet address. It then prompts you with thefollowing:Waiting for Commands:Following this prompt, there is a 10-second window (between the first and second stage boot) foryou to enter a boot device command. Normally, you need not enter a command, and the bootprocess continues to the second stage. However, the following commands are available during this10-second interval: