USER’S GUIDE286 CyberSWITCHb. Press 2 to select the system serialization packet handling level. The default values for allparameters will be displayed. Enter the Id of any parameters you need to change. Followthe onscreen instructions for changing the default values. Return to the IPX spoofing menu.5. Press 4 to configure the message packet handling. A message packet handling menu will bedisplayed.a. Press 1 to select the message packet handling configuration level. Follow the onscreeninstructions to select either device level or system level. Return to the message packethandling menu.b. Press 2 to select the system message packet handling level. The default values for allparameters will be displayed. Enter the Id of any parameters you need to change. Followthe onscreen instructions for changing the default values. Return to the IPX spoofing menu.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSipxspoofAllows you to configure system level spoofing data.IPX S POOFING CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSCONFIGURATION L EVELAllows you to choose either device level or system level configuration for the following IPXelements:• IPX watchdog spoofing• SPX watchdog spoofing• serial packet handling• message packet handlingPACKET HANDLING METHODAvailable for Serial Packet Handling and Message Packet Handling. Allows you to select thesystem level method of handling packets. You may choose from the following packet handlingmethods:• always discard• forward only when connected• always forwardIPX S POOFING BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONNetWare was designed for the LAN environment, and assumes that there is always availablebandwidth. Because of this, NetWare protocols are not well suited to WANs. Special handling mustbe given to the NetWare protocols to prevent them from causing excessive ISDN connections. Thespecial handling of NetWare protocols in a routing environment consists of spoofing and automaticfilters.Spoofing is a method to prohibit excessive ISDN connections. When a request packet is receivedthat should be routed over the WAN, yet there is no connection up to the remote device, thespoofing process internally generates a desired response packet. The NetWare protocols thatrequire spoofing are the Watchdog Protocol and the Sequence Packet Exchange (SPX) Protocol.Automatic filters are also used to prohibit excessive ISDN connections caused by the NetWareprotocols.