USER’S GUIDE382 CyberSWITCHIP A DDRESS P OOLAs IP addresses are obtained from DHCP servers, they are placed into the system’s IP AddressPool. To verify the presence of these DHCP-obtained IP addresses, perform the following:1. Examine the address pool. Type:ip addrpool 2. Look for addresses with an origin of DHCP. This verifies that IP addresses were obtained froma DHCP server, and the Proxy Client is working correctly.3. If no “DHCP-obtained” addresses are present in the IP Address Pool, refer to Proxy ClientOperation in the Problem Diagnosis chapter.V ERIFYING A S EMIPERMANENT C ONNECTIONFollow the same procedure outlined in the dial out verification section. If you can successfully usethe call device command to call the device assigned to the semipermanent connection, then theconnection is working. If not, follow the instructions actions in the dial out verification section.V ERIFYING P ROXY ARP IS OPERATIONALUse the following graphic to help you in verifying that Proxy ARP is operational. When followingthe steps below, substitute your addresses for the addresses used in the example.1. Create two Ethernet LANs connected across the WAN with a CyberSWITCH and a secondCabletron platform (for example, another CyberSWITCH product) properly configured. Thetwo Ethernet segments should be subnets of the same IP network. All IP host devices on theEthernet segments (except the CyberSWITCH and the other Cabletron platform) should beconfigured with the natural subnet mask so that both Ethernet segments look like one IPnetwork to all the IP host devices on the segments.2. Try to have an IP host device on one Ethernet segment communicate with an IP host device onthe other Ethernet segment. For example, ping from Host A to Host B.ISDNCSX1200"Site1"CSX1200"Site2"Host A: Host B: 128.168.2.xWORKGROUP REMOTE ACCESS SWITCHLAN10BASE-TRXTXSERVICE CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCPOWERLINE1CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCLINE2CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCLINE3CH-2D-CHAGICH-1SYNCLINE4WORKGROUP REMOTE ACCESS SWITCHLAN10BASE-TRXTXSERVICE CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCPOWERLINE1CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCLINE2CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCLINE3CH-2D-CHAGICH-1SYNCLINE4