Workgroup Remote Access Switch 205CONFIGURING A LTERNATE ACCESSESX.25 AccessesN ONSTANDARD DEFAULT T RANSMIT W INDOW SIZEThe number of frames that a DTE can send without receiving an acknowledgment. Usingmodulo 128, the DTEs can send up to 127 frames without receiving an acknowledgment.Using modulo 8, the DTEs can send up to 7 frames without receiving an acknowledgment.The default value for both modulo 8 and modulo 128 is 2.N ONSTANDARD DEFAULT R ECEIVE W INDOW S IZEThe number of frames that a DTE can receive without receiving an acknowledgment. Usingmodulo 128, the DTEs can receive up to 127 frames without receiving an acknowledgment.Using modulo 8, the DTEs can send up to 7 frames without receiving an acknowledgment.The default value for both modulo 8 and modulo 128 is 2.NONSTANDARD D EFAULT TRANSMIT P ACKET S IZEThe size of a packet that a DTE can transmit. The choice of a packet size must be weighedagainst the requirements for larger buffers at all the machines that process the packet.Larger packet sizes reduce the opportunity for other devices to share the channel. On theother hand, a larger packet reduces the ratio of overhead fields to user data. The defaulttransmit packet size is 128 bytes.NONSTANDARD D EFAULT R ECEIVE PACKET SIZEThe size of a packet that a DTE can receive. The choice of a packet size must be weighedagainst the requirements for larger buffers at all the machines that process the packet.Larger packet sizes reduce the opportunity for other devices to share the channel. On theother hand, a larger packet reduces the ratio of overhead fields to user data. The defaulttransmit packet size is 128 bytes.NONSTANDARD D EFAULT TRANSMIT T HROUGHPUT CLASSTransmit throughput describes the maximum amount of data that can be sent through thenetwork, when the network is operating at saturation. Factors influencing throughput areline speeds, window sizes, and the number of active sessions in the network. The defaultvalue is 19,200 BPS.NONSTANDARD D EFAULT R ECEIVE THROUGHPUT C LASSReceive throughput describes the maximum amount of data that can be received throughthe network, when the network is operating at saturation. Factors influencing throughputare line speeds, window sizes, and the number of active sessions in the network. Thedefault value is 19,200 BPS.X.25 C HARGING-R ELATED F ACILITIESThese facilities are used to place charging-related restrictions upon incoming and outgoing X.25calls.I NCOMING C ALLS R EVERSE C HARGINGThis parameters allows you to choose whether the DTE (the CyberSWITCH) should acceptincoming X.25 calls that request reverse charging. The default configuration is to not allowincoming X.25 calls to request reverse charging.O UTGOING C ALLS R EVERSE C HARGINGThis parameters allows you to choose whether the DTE (the CyberSWITCH) should be ableto request reverse charging for outgoing calls. The default configuration is to not allowoutgoing X.25 calls to request reverse charging.