USER’S GUIDE364 CyberSWITCHVERIFYING IP ROUTING OVER A WAN R EMOTE LAN I NTERFACETo verify that IP routing is properly operational over a WAN Remote LAN interface, a remote IPHost must be operational and connected to the remote LAN. The remote bridge device must beoperational and available to initiate connections. Also, a local IP host must be connected to the localLAN port on the CyberSWITCH.Below is an example of a configuration used to verify IP routing over a WAN Remote LANinterface. It uses IP addresses specific to the example. Substitute the IP addresses of your networkwhen you perform the IP routing verification steps. It also uses the “ping” command. The “ping”command sends a packet to a specified host, waits for a response, and reports success or failure.Substitute the equivalent command on your IP host.The steps to verify the operation of IP routing over a WAN Remote LAN interface are:1. Determine if a remote IP host can access the WAN Remote LAN interface of the CyberSWITCHover the WAN connection. On the remote IP host type:ping If the remote IP host successfully pings to the CyberSWITCH, then continue with the next step.If the remote IP host CANNOT ping to the CyberSWITCH, refer to IP Routing over a WANRemote LAN Interface Connection of the Problem Diagnosis chapter.2. Determine if a remote IP host can access the LAN interface of the CyberSWITCH over the WANconnection. On the remote IP host type:ping If the remote IP host successfully pings to the CyberSWITCH, then continue with the next step.If the remote IP host CANNOT ping to the CyberSWITCH, refer to IP Routing over a WANRemote LAN Interface Connection of the Problem Diagnosis chapter.3. Determine if a remote IP host can access the local IP host through the CyberSWITCH over theWAN connection. On the remote IP host type:ping A100.0.0.2Host B192.100.1.3Bridge192.100.1.1ISDNCSX1200WORKGROUP REMOTE ACCESS SWITCHLAN10BASE-TRXTXSERVICE CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCPOWERLINE1CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCLINE2CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCLINE3CH-2D-CHAGICH-1SYNCLINE4