Workgroup Remote Access Switch 219CONFIGURING ADVANCED BRIDGINGBridge Dial OutCONFIGURING THE DEVICE L IST FOR B RIDGE DIAL O UTNote: The Configuring Device Level Databases chapter contains the information needed tocompletely configure an on-node device entry. The following section provides instructionsfor entering on-node device information specific to the bridge dial out feature.U SING CFGEDIT1. Select Security from the main menu.2. Select Device Level Databases from the security menu.3. Enable the On-node Device Database if it is currently disabled.4. Select On-node Device Entries from the authentication database menu.5. Select Add. Provide the device name, as prompted, and continue with device configuration, asdescribed in Configuring Device Level Databases:6. Under ISDN, select Dial Out Phone Number:7. Provide device’s dial out phone number, as prompted.8. Return to the Device Table Menu, and select Bridge:Device Table Menu: (Device = "DAN")1) ISDN2) Frame Relay3) X.254) Authentication5) IP6) IPX7) AppleTalk8) Bridge9) CompressionSelect function from above or for previous menu: 1Device ISDN Menu: (Device = "DAN")1) ISDN Line Protocol. "PPP (Point to Point Protocol)"2) Base Data Rate. "64000 bps"3) Initial Data Rate. "64000 bps"4) Maximum Data Rate. "128000 bps"5) Dial Out Phone Number(s). ""6) Subaddress. ""7) Profile Name. "Default_Profile"8) H0 Call Support DISABLEDId of option to change or press for previous menu: 5