Workgroup Remote Access Switch 179CONFIGURING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFORMATIONVRA Manager Authentication ServerVRA M ANAGER AUTHENTICATION S ERVERCONFIGURING VRA M ANAGER A UTHENTICATION SERVERNotes: In order for the CyberSWITCH to reference VRA Manager for device authentication, thefollowing configuration steps must first be completed:• IP Routing must be enabled. If you try to enable the VRA Manager before IP routinghas been enabled, an error message will be displayed.• The appropriate LAN network interface(s) must be configured to represent the local IPnetwork.• The appropriate WAN network information must be configured for each type ofremote device configured that will connect to the system.If you have configured Call Restrictions, you have configured system wide CallRestrictions. System wide Call Restrictions will override Call Restrictions configured onthe VRA Manager on a per device basis.U SING CFGEDIT1. Select Security from the main menu.2. Select option (5), Off-node Server Information from the Security Menu. The following screen isdisplayed:3. Select VRA Manager Authentication Server from the Off-node Server Information Menu. Thefollowing screen is displayed:4. Enter the TCP port number used by the VRA Manager.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSvraDisplays the current VRA Manager configuration data.vra changeAllows you to change the VRA Manager TCP port number.Off-node Server Information Menu:1) VRA Manager2) RADIUS3) TACACS4) ACESelect function from above or for previous menu: 1VRA Manager Menu:TCP Port Number is 2000VRA Manager Server Options:1) VRA Manager TCP PortSelect function from above or for previous menu: 1