CONFIGURING DEVICE L EVEL DATABASESOVERVIEWDevice level security is an authentication process between internetworking devices, in whichauthentication takes place automatically. Both bridges and routers support this form ofsecurity.Device level security is available to the network locally through the On-node DeviceDatabase or remotely through the VRA Manager or RADIUS Server.This chapter provides information for enabling and configuring the on-node device database, andenabling an off-node database location. If an off-node database location is specified, refer to thechapter Configuring Off-node Server Information for configuration instructions.ON -NODE D EVICE D ATABASECONFIGURING AN O N -NODE DEVICE DATABASEBefore configuring an on-node device database, you must first configure network interfaces. Forfurther information regarding network interfaces and their corresponding configuration elements,refer to:• IP Network Interfaces for IP Routing• IPX Network Interfaces for IPX• AppleTalk Port Information for AppleTalkU SING CFGEDIT1. To begin the configuration of an on-node database or any of the Security Database options, startat the main menu and progress through the screens as shown below:Main Menu:1) Physical Resources2) Options3) Security4) Save ChangesSelect function from above or to exit: 3Security Menu:1) Security Level2) System Options and Information3) Device Level Databases4) User Level Databases (Enable/Disable)5) Off-node Server Information6) Network Login InformationSelect function from above or for previous menu: 3