CONFIGURING RESOURCES AND L INESOVERVIEWResource refers to the computer resources that are part of the CyberSWITCH. A WAN resource isthe physical interface for the attachment of lines (i.e., connections) to your system.Lines are communication facilities from the carriers. These lines directly attach to your system.From the system perspective, lines provide the physical connection to switched networks. Lines arenot required for LAN connections.There is an optional element, the system subaddress, that you may configure for a point-multipointline. This element is a call screening method. A subaddress is only needed if you have a lineinterface type of point-multipoint, and you choose the subaddress call screening method.R ESOURCESPhysical Resources may or may not be configurable, depending upon the country of operation.The WAN resource, Ethernet resource and Serial resource (COMMPORT) are preinstalled andpreconfigured on all systems. However, switch type selection is country-dependent. Refer to thecountry or switch type descriptions below.CONFIGURING RESOURCESU SING CFGEDITTo configure the CyberSWITCH’s resources, select Physical Resources from the Main Menu. Thefollowing will then be displayed:1. Press 1 to begin the configuration of the resources. This selection will provide a display ofpreconfigured resources, and the pertinent slot numbers and switch types for those resources.2. Refer to the following country-dependent (or switch type) information to determine whichoptions are configurable.Japan, 1TR6, TS013 and TS014:For these configurations, the Current Resource Configuration is not changeable. Upon selection ofthis option, you will view a display of preconfigured resources only.Physical Resources1) Resources2) Data Lines3) Accesses4) ISDN SubaddressSelect function from above or for previous menu: