USER’S GUIDE90 CyberSWITCHU SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSresourceDisplays the current resource configuration.RESOURCE C ONFIGURATION ELEMENTSR ESOURCE T YPEThe type of adapter (resource) that plug into the system. WAN adapters are the physical interfacefor the attachment of lines (i.e., connections) to your system.R ESOURCE S LOTThe slot number into which the resource is plugged.I NTERNAL S WITCH T YPEFor ISDN resources (BRI and PRI) only. The switch type you wish to configure.R EGIONFor NET3 and NET5 switchtypes. When configuring switches, first identify the region of operation,and then the country.COUNTRYFor the NET3 and NET5 switchtypes. The country in which the system is operating.G ENERIC N UMBERFor PRI_4ESS primary rate switch type only. The software load (generic # ) the switch is running.S YNCHRONIZATION T YPEFor Primary adapters only. Every framed transmission line requires a clock source from which itmust derive the appropriate bit timing and channel timing relative to the start of a frame. For mostCPE gear, the clocking is derived from the received signal and the transmission clock is thus a“slave” to the network. However, if the line is to provide its own clocking, it must derive a clockfrom an internal source rather than a received signal. The line is then a “master” clock source.RESOURCE B ACKGROUND I NFORMATIONThe basic rate (BRI) resource directly terminates a standard USOC RJ45 connector. It is suppliedwith a standard S/T interface. A U interface option is not available for this adapter. The BRIresource supports 1 or 4 connections/ports depending on which option you purchase. It providessupport for the following switch types:• NTT• 5ESS• DMS100• NI1• 1TR6• NET3• Definity• Legend• TS0-13