CONFIGURING SYSTEM OPTIONS AND INFORMATIONOVERVIEWSystem options include security options for remote devices. The security required for theauthentication of each device will depend on the information you have entered for that device.System information includes a system name, system password, and a system secret. These valuesare required only if there are remote devices on the network that require this information forsystem validation.The system software allows you to achieve secure administrative sessions, along with flexiblecontrol. Administration security enhancements include selecting a database server foradministration sessions and specifying an inactivity time-out. In addition, you can restrict Telnetaccess by setting the number of possible administrative Telnet sessions, and you can configureanother Telnet port to accept an emergency Telnet Server session.S YSTEM OPTIONSCONFIGURING S YSTEM O PTIONSU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Security from the main menu.2. Select option (2), System Options and Information from the Security Menu. The following screenbe displayed:3. Select (1) System Options. The following screen will be displayed:System Options and Information Menu:1) System Options2) System Information3) Administrative SessionSelect function from above or for previous menu: 1