In addition to chip modes, the I2C module has several module-specific modes. These aredescribed in the following table.Table 21-6. Module-specific modes supported by the I2C moduleModule mode Description Important notesMaster mode The I2C module is the driver of the SDA line. • Do not use the I2C module's slave addressas a calling address.• The I2C module cannot be a master and aslave simultaneously.Slave mode The I2C module is not the driver of the SDA line. • Enable the I2C module before a STARTcondition from a non-I2C master isdetected.• By default the I2C module performs as aslave receiver.21.3.6 Definition: I2C conditionsThe following table shows the I2C-specific conditions defined for the I2C module.Table 21-7. I2C ConditionsCondition DescriptionSTART A condition that denotes the beginning of a new data transfer and awakens all slaves. Each datatransfer contains several bytes of data. It is defined as a high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL ishigh, as shown in the following figure.STOP A condition generated by the master to terminate a transfer and free the bus. It is defined as a low-to-high transition of SDA while SCL is high, as shown in the following figure.Repeated START A START condition that is generated without a STOP condition to terminate the previous transfer.SDASCLSTART condition STOP conditionFigure 21-2. START and STOP conditionsIntroduction to I2CQorIQ LS1012A Reference Manual, Rev. 1, 01/20181002 NXP Semiconductors