cMicroFrameBit is bit-wise ANDed with the siTD[C-mask] field. A non-zero resultindicates that software scheduled a complete-split for this endpoint, during thismicroframe. This test is always applied to a newly fetched siTD that is in this state.• Test BThe siTD[C-prog-mask] bit vector is checked to determine whether the previouscomplete splits have been executed. An example algorithm is given below (this isslightly different than the algorithm used in Periodic interrupt-do-complete-split ).The sequence in which this test is applied depends on the current value ofFRINDEX[2-0]. If FRINDEX[2-0] is 0 or 1, it is not applied until the back pointerhas been used. Otherwise it is applied immediately.Algorithm Boolean CheckPreviousBit(siTD.C-prog-mask, siTD.C-mask, cMicroFrameBit)BeginBoolean rvalue = TRUE;previousBit = cMicroFrameBit rotate-right(1)-- Bit-wise anding previousBit with C-mask indicates whether there-- was an intent to send a complete split in the previous micro--- frame. So, if the 'previous bit' is set in C-mask, check-- C-prog-mask to make sure it happened.if previousBit bitAND siTD.C-mask thenif not (previousBit bitAND siTD.C-prog-mask) thenrvalue = FALSEEnd ifEnd ifReturn rvalueEnd AlgorithmIf Test A is true and FRINDEX[2-0] is zero or one, this is a case 2a or 2b schedulingboundary (see Figure 32-18). See Complete-split for scheduling boundary cases 2a, 2b,for details in handling this condition.If Test A and Test B evaluate to true, the host controller executes a complete-splittransaction using the transfer state of the current siTD. When the host controller commitsto executing the complete-split transaction, it updates QH[C-prog-mask] by bit-ORingwith cMicroFrameBit. The transfer state is advanced based on the completion status ofthe complete-split transaction. To advance the transfer state of an IN siTD, the hostcontroller must perform the following actions:1. Decrement the number of bytes received from siTD[Total Bytes To Transfer]Chapter 32 Universal Serial Bus Interface 2.0QorIQ LS1012A Reference Manual, Rev. 1, 01/2018NXP Semiconductors 2051