Power saving generalMMDC supports multiple DDR power saving modes.NOTEBy default, the power saving modes are disabled. These modesmay dramatically decrease the power consumption of DDRmemories.1. Self-refresh entry to the entire DDR device can be activated through twomechanisms:• LPMD (Low Power Mode)• Hardware handshaking (LPMD/LPACK) with the clock module in thesystem• Software handshaking by setting the field MAPSR[LPMD] and pollingMAPSR[LPACK]• Automatic entry by configuring the amount of idle cycle for triggering self-refresh entry through MAPSR[PST] and by clearing MAPSR[PSD]• DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Change)• Software handshaking by setting the field MAPSR[DVFS] and pollingMAPSR[DVACK]NOTEIf hardware or software requests for self-refresh entry weredetected by the MMDC (even before the assertion of theLPACK), no write or read accesses will be acknowledgedutnil the deassertion of those requests.2. Automatic active/precharge power down entry to a specific chip select can beactivated by configuring the MDPDC register:• PWDT_0 - defines the number of idle cycles before entering power down.• SLOW_PD - In case of slow precharge power down then this bit should be set aswell.• Few paramters must be configured in addition:• Timing parameters at MDCFG0[tXP and tXPDLL].• ODT timing at MDOTC[tAOFPD, tAONPD, tANPD and tAXPD]NOTEIt is possible to enter certain chip selects to low powerconsumption while the second chip select is activated.3. Automatic precharge of all DDR banks to a specific chip select. Can be activated byconfiguring MDPDC field: PRCT_0.Functional DescriptionQorIQ LS1012A Reference Manual, Rev. 1, 01/20181086 NXP Semiconductors