Offset Register Width(In bits)Access Reset value0h Capability registers length and HC interface version number (CAPLENGTH)32 RO 0100_0020h4h Host controller structural parameters 1 (HCSPARAMS1) 32 RO 0200_017Fh8h Host controller structural parameters 2 (HCSPARAMS2) 32 RO 1400_00F1hCh Host controller structural parameters 3 (HCSPARAMS3) 32 RO 07FF_000Ah10h Host controller capability parameters 1 (HCCPARAMS1) 32 RO 0220_F66Dh14h Doorbell offset (DBOFF) 32 RO 0000_0480h18h Runtime register space offset (RTSOFF) 32 RO 0000_0440h1Ch Host controller capability parameters 2 (HCCPARAMS2) 32 RO 0000_000BhC100h Global SoC bus configuration register 0 (GSBUSCFG0) 32 RW 0010_0080hC104h Global SoC bus configuration register 1 (GSBUSCFG1) 32 RW 0000_0700hC108h Global Tx threshold control register (GTXTHRCFG) 32 RW 0000_0000hC10Ch Global Rx threshold control register (GRXTHRCFG) 32 RW 0000_0000hC110h Global core control register (GCTL) 32 RW 30C1_3004hC118h Global status register (GSTS) 32 RW 3E80_0000hC11Ch Global user control register 1 (GUCTL1) 32 RW 0004_018AhC128h Global user ID register (GUID) 32 RW 0130_290AhC12Ch Global user control register (GUCTL) 32 RW 0200_8010hC130h Global SoC bus error address register low (GBUSERRADDRLO) 32 RO 0000_0000hC134h Global SoC bus error address register high (GBUSERRADDRHI) 32 RO 0000_0000hC138h Global SS port to bus instance mapping register - low (GPRTBIMAPLO)32 RW 0000_0000hC13Ch Global SS port to bus instance mapping register - high (GPRTBIMAPHI)32 RW 0000_0000hC140h Global hardware parameters register 0 (GHWPARAMS0) 32 RO 4020_400AhC144h Global hardware parameters register 1 (GHWPARAMS1) 32 RO 81E0_C93BhC148h Global hardware parameters register 2 (GHWPARAMS2) 32 RO 0130_290AhC14Ch Global hardware parameters register 3 (GHWPARAMS3) 32 RO 0410_8485hC150h Global hardware parameters register 4 (GHWPARAMS4) 32 RO 4782_0004hC154h Global hardware parameters register 5 (GHWPARAMS5) 32 RO 0420_4108hC158h Global hardware parameters register 6 (GHWPARAMS6) 32 RO 0904_9C20hC15Ch Global hardware parameters register 7 (GHWPARAMS7) 32 RO 0308_044DhC180h Global high-speed port to bus instance mapping register - low (GPRTBIMAP_HSLO)32 RW 0000_0000hC184h Global high-speed port to bus instance mapping register - high(GPRTBIMAP_HSHI)32 RW 0000_0000hC200h Global USB2 PHY configuration register (GUSB2PHYCFG) 32 RW 4010_2400hC2C0h Global USB 3.0 PIPE control register (GUSB3PIPECTL) 32 RW 010C_0002hC300h Global transmit FIFO size register (GTXFIFOSIZ_0) 32 RW 0000_0042hC310h Global transmit FIFO size register (GTXFIFOSIZ_1) 32 RW 0000_0042hC320h Global transmit FIFO size register (GTXFIFOSIZ_2) 32 RW 0000_0042hTable continues on the next page...Chapter 33 Universal Serial Bus Interface 3.0QorIQ LS1012A Reference Manual, Rev. 1, 01/2018NXP Semiconductors 2107