![Dell Force10 Z9000 Reference Manual Manual pdf 1308 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3017072/164e6a6619d11e0f1c0e682c9c5042881308f.jpg)
Version Introduced on the C-Series.pre-Version6.1.1.0Introduced on the E-Series.radius-server hostConfigure a RADIUS server host.C-Series, E-Series, S-Series, Z-Series, S4810Syntax radius-server host {hostname | ipv4-address | ipv6-address}[auth-port port-number] [retransmit retries] [timeout seconds][key [encryption-type] key]Parametershostname Enter the name of the RADIUS server host.ipv4-address |ipv6-addressEnter the IPv4 address (A.B.C.D) or IPv6 address (X:X:X:X::X) of theRADIUS server host.auth-portport-number(OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords auth-port followed by a numberas the port number. The range is zero (0) to 65535. The default port-number is 1812.retransmitretries (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword retransmit followed by a numberas the number of attempts. This parameter overwrites the radius-server retransmit command. The range is zero (0) to 100. Thedefault is 3 attempts.timeoutseconds (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword timeout followed by the secondsthe time interval the switch waits for a reply from the RADIUS server.This parameter overwrites the radius-server timeoutcommand. The range is 0 to 1000. The default is 5 seconds.key [encryption-type]key(OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword key followed by an optionalencryption-type and a string up to 42 characters long as theauthentication key. This authentication key is used by the RADIUShost server and the RADIUS daemon operating on this switch.For the encryption-type, enter either zero (0) or 7 as the encryptiontype for the key entered. The options are:• 0 is the default and means the password is not encrypted andstored as clear text.• 7 means that the password is encrypted and hidden.Configure this parameter last because leading spaces are ignored.Defaults Not configured.Command Modes CONFIGURATIONCommand History Version Introduced on the Z9000.Version Added support for IPv6.1308